Hi, I'm Esmail Nbaheen.

Self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who enjoys solving a complex and challenging real-world problems.


I am a Computer Science Grad Student at Al-Azhar University. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like PHP, Laravel, Vue, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, Java, C during my bachelor's. I have more than 19 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in PHP, Laravel, and Vue. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

  • Languages: PHP, Java, JavaScript, C, HTML/CSS
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Libraries: Spatie, Laravel Debugbar, Socialite
  • Frameworks: Laravel, Vue.js, Bootstrap
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, phpMyadmin, MySQL WorkBench

Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.


Software Engineer
  • Developed a front-end of a couple websites.
  • Developed and managed the backend of an news platform using Laravel, MySql.
  • Worked on many features that can br implemented in my projects in the future such as the dynamic search, notifications, chat between users and some e-commerce features such as adding items to cart and so on.
  • Improved the response time by 20% by refactoring the codebase and changing database design and queries.
  • Tools: PHP, Laravel, MySql
July 2022 - Nov 2022 | Gaza, Palestine


Screenshot of  web app

Field Training Management System..

  • FTMS is focus on back-office processes and are considered a tool for corporate training administrators such as a training management system acts as a central enterprise resource planning (ERP) software specific to the training industry.
  • The motivation of this project is facilitate and it derived from our need to develop a trainee’s skills to support students Improve the services that are providing to the trainees and trainers motivates to conduct this work.
music streaming app
Vue crud application with Laravel Rest API

A complete Vue.js system with Laravel Rest API functionality.

  • Tools: VueJs, HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Laravel Rest API, MySQL,
  • View all students
  • Add new student
  • Edit student
  • Delete student
  • All without a single reload
music streaming app
PHP-based Chat system

A chat program built using Javascript and pure PHP.

  • Tools: PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX
  • Register/login to the web app.
  • Search for users
quiz app
Laravel Chat system

Identical to the previous one, but using Laravel

  • Tools: Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX
  • Register/login to the web app.
  • Search for users
Screenshot of web app
News Wp-App

A Laravel-based, easy-to-use news web application.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Laravel, MySQL, Spatie, PHP, AJAX
  • Users can view latest news and contact the admin via Contact Page.
  • Admin can Add, Delete, Update news.
Screenshot of web app
Car dealer

A modern web application with advanced capabilities for vehicle dealers.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
  • Users can view latest cars and contact the salesman via Contact Page.
  • Filter the cars based on many options.
  • As a user you can sell your car too!


Languages and Databases

Shell Scripting






Al-Azhar University

Gaza, Palestine

Degree: Bachelor of Computer systems engineering.

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Database Management Systems
    • Cloud Computing
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Machine Learning
